
31 March 2011

Rosettes! My New Obsession!!

I know, I know, this has been done MANY times before.  But, not by me!  :-)  And, I wanted to give these cute rosettes I have been seeing everywhere a try.  Well, watch out!  There may be a rosette on everything I own soon...I tend to obsess (I am working on it).  In fact, this (my current rosette obsession) is intertwining with my previous obsession (Emma's upcoming spa party) because I am now going to make rosette headbands for all of the girls at the party.  So, I guess you could say I just doubled my obsession...I really am working on this...really.

So, I started with two old shirts that I decided I was never going to wear again and I got started.  Again (I am SO BAD at this) I can't find the link to the tutorial I learned this from, but I promise when I find it, I will add it here.

From this...

To this...

My plan was to hot glue and then reinforce with a needle and thread...however, my daughter loved this so much that she wouldn't give it back and insisted on wearing it to preschool.  Soooo, hopefully it will come back in one piece and I can do the reinforcements tonight.  I am stoked that she loved it so much, though.  :-)

And, shirt #2...
Becomes headband #2...

I am just loving, you will be seeing more, mark my words!  :-)  Need to go fabric finding...


  1. Those look awesome! I don't remember ever seeing you in either of those shirts! Told you this stuff is addictive!

  2. Exactly why I picked these two shirts! :-) And, you weren't kidding...addicted! I was at Christmas Tree Shops today!

  3. Those look so cute!!! And its always great to use old shirts. I'm with ya on the love for rosettes. I just wish I had a little girl to make them for. My cousin is having twin girls and I have started to make some cute rosette headbands for part of the shower present. :)By the way, I'm loving your blog!!!!

  4. @ Jason...thank you for the nice comment! I am off to try to dress up a pillow with rosettes when I finally log off the computer. :-) Addicted! I may start a support


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