I have just been too busy with this little thing called life to keep up with this blog. But, with the addition of our latest venture, I have decided it must be shared with more than just my neighbors.
We bought a camper. Let me rewind about a year...we bought a pop up camper. My husband and my best friend since HS's husband work together and another co-worker was selling his pop up for a steal (or so they told us, because my bff and I are sooooo not the campers our husbands wish we were). So, they bought it, split it down the middle and my hubs and kids used it twice since then and their family used it maybe four times. After a few uses, it turned into, "it's a pain in the a&* to set it up," "mice are eating the material," and the all important, "WHERE do we PEE??"
So, when the prospect of upgrading came along from yet ANOTHER co-worker for yet ANOTHER steal, I have to say the other Missus and I weren't exactly jumping for joy...that is, until the Misters said, "and it has a bathroom."
So, we bought another camper. A 28 ft. camper. The kind you don't have to "pop up."
I made my husband aware that if we were buying this camper, that it would become my summer project. Meaning, I have been on Pinterest and found all sorts of super cute, shabby chic camper makeovers...some refer to as glamping. Glamping is more my speed, people. The bff and I are outdoorsy in that we like to drink on patios. To my surprise, he didn't care one bit that I wanted to get my decorating hands on it.
That is all that I needed...I scoured the house for some "stuff" that I was holding on to and went in search of crazy deals...and I hit the jackpot!
LOVE this sign...got this from friends of ours when we bought the pop up. But, alas, it's maiden voyage will be made in the new camper.
The clock was on clearance at Kmart...the tag says $12, but I walked out paying $4. Score! The birdhouse I found in my storage area...didn't even know I had it. Don't judge me.
Oh, the Coca Cola condiment holder...this is where the "red" started, because I bought this at Kmart for $2.50. Hoping to add some turquoise accents eventually.
Ok, who doesn't need Paula Deen potholders and towels in their camper? Seriously.
These are the shams that go with the comforter set that I saved when I redecorated our master bedroom. SO glad I did. :) It'll be like sleeping at the Four Seasons with these linens. "Shaggin Wagon?"
And, I am in LOOOOVE with my tin signs from Amazon. They were about $8 a piece, but I think I can hang them with the velcro command strips and they'll be just fine. It'll make it feel like home. After all, I want this to be our "home away from home." Who says a camper has to be all woodsy and dark? If you want this indoor gal to go anywhere, I am gonna have to make it so that I want to be there.
This is just the start, my friends...stay tuned for the renovations. We get it on Sunday, when we will park it in our driveway in our neighborhood so I can work on decorating for the next month or so. It's a good thing we are on our neighbors' good sides. :)
I am really excited! And I think my husband is happy that I'll be taking my decorating to the "guest house," at least for the next 60 days.

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