
25 Cents Girls' Party Favors

I know some of you are thinking, "enough with the (bleep) rosettes already!"  :-)  But, I gotta say that it is becoming a stress reliever of sorts for me....glueing and wrapping and glueing and wrapping.  No deep thought involved, just me and my fabric.

Anyway, these babies are going to be favors for my daughter's upcoming spa birthday party.  We are doing manis, pedis and I will be doing a little bit of makeup for each girl at my daughter's vanity.  My thought was that these headbands could be their finishing touch, once their makeup and nails are done. 

I started with some shirts that I have decided to never wear again and cut them into strips.  I bought the headbands at the Dollar Tree, four for $1, hence 25 cents a piece!  Love it!  I just rolled my rosettes from there and hot glued them to the headband.  I think they are sweet and I hope the girls like them.  I think they will look adorable!

The shirts...

I made 12 headbands, three of each color.  I plan to just grab one and put it on each girl, so there is no fighting (beforehand anyway) over who gets which color. 

So there you have it, cute huh??  I actually really like the way the colorful pictures turned out too, so I may use them as framed art in my daughter's room...just a thought.

Linking up to these parties!


Suze said...

Those are way cute!!!

Krystine Stephenson said...

Those are really cute! I love the idea!


The Sunflower Patch said...

How cool that you used some old shirts to make the rosettes! I will have to keep that idea in mind, instead of carting everything off to goodwill. :)

Becky@Beyond The Picket Fence said...

Wow, you can't beat that price and cuteness factor. Thanks so much for linking up to Beyond The Picket Fence.

~The Bargain Babe from *Zucchini Summer Blog* said...

Those are adorable! It doesn't get any better than party favors for a quarter! My littlest guy turns one next month (*sob*) and I'm making my own airplane shaped crayons for the kids' favors. :)

Stopped by from Paisley Passions Blog Hop. Hope you can swing by and say hi at my little blog sometime.

FirstCommunionSupplies said...

Cute headbands for girls, they look so stunning! I can maybe include these for Hannah's 1st holy communion favors.

Nonni said...

Love 'em!